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Top 10 Tips When Starting a New Business

August 9, 2022by Advisor0

Starting a business is undoubtedly an exciting time in your life. It offers a world of opportunities to get your brilliant idea out to market and start earning from it. It’s an excellent way of pursuing what you really love while having the flexibility to manage your own schedule as you see fit. It involves a lot of effort but the results are always worth it. If you’re wondering about what steps are involved in starting a company, take a look below.

How to start your own business

Starting your own business will require a lot of upfront work to ensure that you have covered all your bases. You need to know what you’ve got to face before you begin so that your business start up is as successful as possible. So, without further ado, here are our top 10 tips when you’re starting a new business.

Don’t quit your day job

You may have the perfect idea for a business but it’s crucial that you don’t quit your day job just yet. Building a business up from scratch takes time, effort and money. You need to be prepared on all fronts to secure your business’ success. As a result, while you continue working your nine-to-five job, be sure you’re using your spare time to invest in your business idea in every possible way. This will also help to provide you with a level of stability in terms of how you’ll fund and finance your living expenses before you take the plunge.

Do your research and refine your idea

The second step to consider is to do your research and refine your idea. Your idea may be brilliant, but is there market demand for it? How can you be sure of this? What sort of market research have you conducted to prove your case? By answering these questions, you’ll have a sort of checklist as to what bases you need to cover to ensure you’re ready to hit the market.

Choose your business structure

A further consideration that you’ll need to decide upon is the business structure you’d like to follow. There are many different options and once you’ve decided on the right one for you, you’ll need to stick to it for quite some time. So be sure that you’re comfortable with this. In addition, you will want to decide whether you will be personally held responsible for your business’ debts and obligations (in the event that these arise) or whether you will keep your personal finance separate from your business’ finances. These are important considerations which may have long term implications for your life.

Sort out legal, tax, marketing and sales

You will also need to consult the experts regarding your legal obligations, tax and accounting needs, marketing as well as sales. It is crucial to get all the paperwork in order to be sure that your business is created on a strong foundation that’s not only legitimate but competente in terms of covering all the basics. You will need to set aside a portion of funds to these efforts so be prepared for the costs. Once taken care of, some of your costs will be recurring (such as tax and accounting) while others may be fixed (such as legal).

Write a business plan

Starting up a business inevitably requires the creation of a business plan. This is a detailed document which sets out your business name and scope of activities. The sector that you’ll be involved in. What products or services you will offer. Who your team will comprise of. How you plan on financing your venture. What financial projections you anticipate you’ll see in the short, medium and long term. All these are part of your financial plan. But you will also need to create a marketing and sales plan, too. In addition to the processes and methods of operations as well as your desired location and possible expansion efforts in the future based on sound financial analysis.

Acquire funding and insurance

The next step is to acquire funding and insurance. Funding can be sourced in a variety of different ways. You can rely on some of your personal savings or get help from friends and family at the outset. There are also banks and lenders who can help you with a small business loan. However, you can further consider government help through small business grants. And of course, there are angel investors as well. Whichever option you go for, remember that insurance is crucial. This will ensure that you’re covered in the event that something in your business goes awry.

Build your team

Once you’ve got the research, legalities and finances in order, you’re ready to begin. Depending on the size of your business, you will most likely need a team. You can start small at first and build up later depending on your business’ growth. However, be sure that you recruit people who are just as passionate as you about your idea, who have the right experience and background as well as people who can look after the business even if you’re not always there.

Market your business

Marketing your business is another huge aspect of getting your business name out in the industry and among your clientele. As a new start up, you’re unlikely to be known by many and exposure is required. This can take place through the creation of a website, launching a social media presence via the various platforms available, speaking and participating at events to boost awareness of your expertise and your offering and other strategies, too. These strategies may include creating and building email lists for clients that approach you, writing blogs to create value for your clientele and answer their questions, etc.

Enter the market

You’ve done it. You’ve laid the foundation for your business and you’re ready to launch. This is where it gets more exciting. However, this process will need a strong dedication to customer service, irrespective of whether you’re product or service based. You’ll also need to choose your location. Then there are processes and systems to put in place to ensure your business runs smoothly. Finally, you may need to invest in technology and software to ensure your operations run smoothly. These efforts can end up being costly as well as time consuming so you need to be as prepared in advance for them as possible.

Think ahead: scaling up and expansion

Once your business is off the ground and up and running, the process will never end. You will always need to be thinking ahead to not only beat your competition but also ways of expanding and growing. From a one-man show to a multiple-person operation, you need to have clearly delineated roles for each member of your team. This team, in turn, will need to help your business grow through various sales, marketing and business development and expansion efforts. The process will be a never-ending one so be prepared and know that you’re in it for the long haul.

Closing remarks

If at any point you feel uncertain about these steps, you can always get advice for a business start up from us at Motion Advice. With years of experience on the market helping business grow, we’re perfectly positioned to offer business startup help. From sales to business development to legal, accounting and customs assistance, you can always count on us no matter what your business needs may be. Simply get in touch by clicking the button below. Our friendly and helpful team will take care of the rest.


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