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Start with a strong foundation that’s established through our ongoing legal, accounting and customs expertise.
A flat, 10% corporate and personal income tax rate
A stable currency - fixed rate to the Euro
Affordable commercial premises and land
Competitive labour, production and transportation costs
Strategic geographical positioning
A member of key international organisations
company incorporation in Bulgaria

Getting Started

Are you ready for a 10% flat corporate and personal income tax rate? What about only a 5% flat dividend tax? Can you compare these figures to your current tax rates? We know.

Our game-changing proposal:
  • We kickstart your business
  • We accommodate even your smallest business needs and create a unique roadmap that will take you leaps ahead of everyone else. 
  • We free up capital for your company which makes you more competitive and puts you in a much higher position in the market.
  • We fully administer the process on your behalf. Our professionals handle this with ease. 
  • We have every important piece of document translated into your language and sent to you.
  • We deal with everything in the background, so you can reap the rewards and have the peace of mind every business leader requires to focus and grow. 
  • You profit while resting.

Ongoing legal, accounting & customs
services and representation

You focus on running your business and we ensure your company is fully covered in all legal, accounting and customs aspects for a complete peace of mind.

Our team of professionals will represent you before all administrative bodies including, but not limited to, the National Revenue Agency, municipal bodies, Labour Inspectorates, the National Insurance Institute, the Ministry of Interior and others. Confidently navigate the legal landscape with ongoing legal advice and representation from our lawyers.

You get full coverage of your business when it comes to professional accounting services. With a specialisation in international trade, the service covers aspects that include VAT registration, monthly and yearly reports and document submissions to the tax and other relevant authorities.
You also get full customs assistance. We will assign a dedicated and accredited customs specialist, as required by law, to release your import goods from Customs promptly, if applicable to your case.


Ready to take on new markets but are unsure of where to start? Using cutting-edge business intelligence, we help you evaluate market penetration strategies, geographical approaches and find key market players.

As a further service, we also help you find the most suitable location and premises for your business, while acting in perfect synchronicity with your requirements.

Here’s how you stand to benefit:

  • Targeted business intelligence solutions
  • Competitor and stakeholder research and analysis
  • Robust technological infrastructure
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Book a call

Start saving 50-75% in tax per year now
Free up capital to become more competitive
Get the upper hand in your market legally and transparently
Get full protection - we have everything covered for you
Manage everything from anywhere in the world
Be smart and fast, start profiting while resting